The Best 53 Advanced Renamer Alternatives
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Magic File Renamer
Magic File Renamer (MFR) is a powerful multiple file renamer and ID3 tag setter. With MFR you can change names, dates and attributes for files and folders instantly.
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Simple Builtin Renamers
simple builtin renamers is a batch renamer. it is a plugin of the thunar file manager included by default.
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Quick File Rename
Quick File Rename allows you to batch rename files, folders, tag mp3s, audio files, photos, images and more. Rename using a powerful rules engine to get names any way...
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Chrono Namer
Chrono Namer is a photo organizing tool. It rename images to time-formatted name. Beside photos it also handles audio and video files. Usually Cameras, cell phones...
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Multi File Renamer
MultiFileRename is a program that can easily rename multiple files within the same directory. And repeat the same procedure(s) on different directories and at a later...
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Name Dropper
Name Dropper makes multiple file renaming easy by allowing text from documents or browsers to be dragged onto files for automatic rename. How to use Name Dropper ...
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Once Renamer
Once Renamer renames multiple files in an action. A common flow of file renaming is: add the files to the list, edit the names, and start a rename task. The name-edit...
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Photo Naming Assistant
Photo Naming Assistant Pro was designed to give consistent and meaningful names to digital photo files while minimizing the work on the user's part. The application...