uBlock Origin
Popular and efficient blocker for Chromium, Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Thunderbird. Fast and lean.
Adblock Plus is a free extension that allows you to - among other things - block annoying ads, disable tracking and block domains known to spread malware.
adblock plus is a free extension that allows you to among other things block annoying ads, disable tracking and block domains known to spread malware.
available for chrome, firefox, internet explorer, maxthon, opera, safari and yandex, adblock plus uses filters that you choose to block all unwanted elements. adblock browser , a mobile web browser with adblock plus builtin, is also available for android and ios.
adblock plus itself does not block ads by default. however it does unblock 3rd party ads who pay to be included on our whitelist via eyeo, our parent company.
adblock plus requires the user to "tell" it what to block by adding external filter lists. filter lists are essentially an extensive set of rules that tell adblock plus which elements of a website to block. our default whitelist is enabled by default overriding all blocklists by default.
you can add any filter list you want. for example, block tracking or malware. you can also create your own filter lists. almost all filters are open source, therefore many filter lists have been created by internet users.
you can "opt" out of our unblocking whitelist by disabling it manually.
filter lists enabled by default include:
an adblocking list selected based on your language (easylist) the acceptable ads list
these are enabled to get you started. you can remove them or add others it's up to you.
easylist corresponds to your browser language and is aimed at disabling ads that are considered to be intrusive by our community of users. eyeo gmbh did not draft easylist and therefore has no right to, or control over, its content other than our default global whitelist. visit the easylist community for more information.
the acceptable ads whitelist displays ads that comply with the acceptable ads criteria. the list is maintained by eyeo gmbh.
Official Website
Firefox extension Google Chrome extension Opera extension Microsoft Edge extension Safari extension Internet Explorer extension No Tracking Element blocker
Productivity Social Education and Reference Online Services Web Browsers
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Popular and efficient blocker for Chromium, Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Thunderbird. Fast and lean.
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Ghostery sees the invisible web - tags, web bugs, pixels and beacons. Ghostery tracks the trackers and gives you a roll-call of the ad networks, behavioral data providers, web publishers, and other companies interested in your activity.
Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux Android iPhone Android Tablet iPad Mac Microsoft Edge
Privacy Badger is a browser-add on tool that analyzes sites to detect and disallow content that tracks you in an objectionable, non-consensual manner.
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Disconnect was founded in 2011 by former Google engineers and a consumer- and privacy-rights attorney. We develop award-winning, user-friendly privacy and security software in San Francisco, California.
Open Source Freemium Windows Linux BSD Mac Chrome Firefox Safari Opera
lightweight ad-blocker and privacy protector for mozilla firefox and thunderbird. all we know the availability of popular adblockers lying around...
Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux Android Firefox Thunderbird
Ad Muncher is a powerful advert and popup blocking system for all browsers and advert-displaying programs like Pando, SopCast, ICQ, Morpheus, Kazaa, Grokster, Opera, PalTalk, iMesh, Bearshare, LimeWire, TVAnts.
Free Windows
Comprehensive privacy tool, bundling ad-blocker, tracker-blocker, and encrypted proxy into one extension.
Freemium Web Chrome Vivaldi Browser Yandex.Browser
Bad Ad Johnny stops ads, fights malware & dodges trackers. It is a free chrome extension that mocks other ad blockers & apps as part of its communication & UI. All modes can function independently or in cohesion.
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ZenMate Web Firewall is a security solution that blocks malware, trackers and security threats, plus free Ad Blocker against Malvertising!.
Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux Chrome
Fast and memory efficient content blocking Chrome extension - helps you hide ads, avoid tracking, load pages faster, fight procrastination. Detailed stats - requests count, size etc. Video guide: Video guide: https://youtu .
Free Mac OS X Windows Linux Chrome OS Chrome
Facebook AdBlock for Chrome removes all ads and suggested posts in your Facebook News Feed and sidebar.
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BlockParty - Safari Content Blocker App for iOS 9 and OSX. - Currently blocks content from annoying ad networks on all sites thereby loading pages super fast. - Useful for data-capped, international roaming connections.
Free Open Source Mac OS X iPhone iPad
Better is a content blocker that protects you from tracking and other malicious web content.