dmMediaConverter is a crossplatform FFmpeg frontend (GUI) exposing some of its features. It is intended to be simple and easy to use but also to be able to achieve complex tasks.
Adapter is a free video converter for Mac & PC. It converts avi, saves flash .
adapter is a free video converter for mac & pc. it converts avi, saves flash .flv, crops video and more! it even works with audio and image files so you can convert wav to mp3 and transform jpg files! this tiny freeware program lets you quickly and easily change any file type to any other file type.
adapter can convert almost anything to anything. it supports these files formats: 3g2, 3gp, 4xm, roq, ac3, alaw, asf, asf_stream, au, audio_dice, avi, crc, daud, dc1394, s, dv, dv1394, dvd, ea, ffm, film_cpk, flic, flv, gif, h261, h263, h264, idcin, image, image2, image2pipe, imagepipe, ipmovie, m4v, matroska, mjpeg, mmf, mov, mov, mp4, m4a, 3gp, 3g2, mp2, mp3, mp4, mpeg, mpeg1video, mpeg2video, mpegts, mpegvideo, mpjpeg, mulaw, nsv, null, nut, ogg, psp, psxstr, rawvideo, redir, rm, rtp, rtsp, s16be, s16le, s8, sdp, shn, sol, svcd, swf, u16be, u16le, u8, vcd, video4linux, vmd, vob, wav, wc3movie, wsaud, wsvqa, yuv4mpegpipe
Productivity Developer Tools Video File Management Burn and Rip
video-conversion ffmpeg