The Best 281 Actionmint Alternatives
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Micromiles is a single trustful source for all your activities at work and at home, which supports collaboration between friends and colleagues on common goals and...
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Lifestyle Inspector
Lifestyle Inspector is a free windows GTD/productivity/todo-list app with integrated Mind-mapping and powerful personal productivity reports. It has the following...
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Organise your day, your projects, your life with minimal fuss. TodoListMe is dead simple with a touch of really useful features. * No need to create an account. ...
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Task Hammer
Task Hammer is a productivity app that lets you experience To-Dos as a Role Playing Game.
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Clever Software released new version of CleverToDo - a popular ToDo application with unique features! Simplify your daily life, lighten your memory and stay productive...
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Alinof ToDoList
It allows you to enter various data such as priority, percent complete, a to due date and of course some notes describing your task. You can also create various projects...