Password Live
Password Live is a generator of complex and secure passwords that you never need to remember!
Think of Wallet as your own flexible, personal database.
Think of Wallet as your own flexible, personal database. Besides web passwords, serial numbers, and credit cards, it can be used to keep almost any sort of data you can think of! Domain names, grocery items, locations of WiFi hotspots, etc. are just some of the various items you can keep in Wallet. Youll never have an excuse to forget things again.
Productivity Security Online Services Backup and Sync
password-management personal-database wallet-management
Password Live is a generator of complex and secure passwords that you never need to remember!
Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux Windows Phone
Everyone uses passwords. But not the way they should. Make yours unbreakable and protect your accounts from hackers.
Freemium Windows Chrome Firefox Opera Internet Explorer
There are many password managers out there. Yadabyte Passwords is very handy and provides: - Very Secure AES 256 Encryption - Works from any USB Key, floppy, hard...
Free Open Source Windows
Pocket allows you to safely store all your sensitive data such as bank account details and passwords on your phone. Pocket is also useful for remembering all those bits...
Free Windows Linux Android Android Tablet
AndroXplorer is a new way to explore file manager, password manager and archives manager for Android. AndroXplorer v.3 features seamless integration of encryption...
Commercial Android
A program for the central management of passwords, PINs and PUKS. With this application I have to know only the Windows-Login and the Master-Password for my Password...
Free Windows
F-Secure Key stores your passwords, user names and other credentials so that you can access them wherever you are.
Freemium Mac OS X Windows Android iPhone iPad
A short program of free, on-demand coaching to enable non-technical people to safely create, use and manage strong and unique passwords without having to learn complex...
Free Mac OS X Windows Linux Android Web
With PasswordsPro, you can store all your passwords and web site data access in a single file protected with only one master password.
Commercial Windows Linux
Web-based, multi-user, secure password safe/manager with delegated access controls.
Free Open Source Self-Hosted