Dicty Lite
Say one or more sentences for Dicty to convert to/from text. Can sent text to WhatsApp, SMS or e-mail or copied and used in any other application that accepts text. ...
Acapela Group, the leading European voice expert leaning upon 25 years of experience, invents text-to- speech solutions to give your content a voice in up to 25...
acapela group, the leading european voice expert leaning upon 25 years of experience, invents textto speech solutions to give your content a voice in up to 25 languages. our speech solutions allow you to turn any written text into natural speech files, using any of the 50 high quality standard voices or your own synthesised voice talent.
we help you build your ‘voice strategy’, to enhance the promotion of your business to customers through the spoken word, and add audible value to your services and applications for improved market recognition and audiobrand visibility.
Say one or more sentences for Dicty to convert to/from text. Can sent text to WhatsApp, SMS or e-mail or copied and used in any other application that accepts text. ...
Free Android
Online Text to Speech by ReadSpeaker. Speech-enable web sites, mobile apps, online documents and forms so that your visitors can listen to your content.
Commercial Android iPhone iPad Web Blackberry
Voice Dream Reader is a feature rich mobile TTS reader. All features are fully accessible with VoiceOver.
The premier Text-to-Speech solution for the Mac. GhostReader allows you to listen while your Mac does the talking in your language of choice GhostReader includes...
Commercial Mac OS X
Text to speech extension for a browser. Automatic text detection (can speak without necessary selection), adjustable voice speed, playlist.
Free Mac OS X Windows Linux Chrome OS Windows RT
Select and Speak uses iSpeech's human-quality text-to-speech (TTS) to read any selected text in the browser.
Commercial Mac OS X Windows Linux Chrome
Quickly convert text, Word, PDF, or other documents in most languages to speech and save results to MP3 files using OS Text-to-Speech voice synthesizer. Control...
Freemium Windows
Convert any source of text to speech. With specific features for handling PDF files, Starfield Reader allows selected of chapters of eBooks be converted into WAV/MP3...
Commercial Windows
Voice Reader from Linguatec reads your texts and e-mails for you, either at your desk on your PC or on the move on your MP3 player.
Commercial Windows