Tagaini jisho
Tagaini Jisho is a free to use Japanese dictionary. It is available in several languages such as german or french.
zkanji is a free and open-source study tool and dictionary of the Japanese language. It has several useful features for beginners and advanced students alike.
zkanji is a free and opensource study tool and dictionary of the Japanese language. It has several useful features for beginners and advanced students alike. Dictionary, example sentences, kanji search and information with animated stroke order diagrams, vocabulary list printing, study functions and much more.
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study learn-a-language japanese kanji japanese-language learn-japanese learning-japanese japanese-kanji
Tagaini Jisho is a free to use Japanese dictionary. It is available in several languages such as german or french.
Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux
Integrated Japanese/Kanji dictionary, translation-aid and study system
Free Windows
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