The Best 12 xType Alternatives

  • TextExpander

    TextExpander saves you countless keystrokes with customized abbreviations for your frequently-used text strings and images.

    Commercial Mac OS X Windows iPhone iPad

  • Texpand

    Texpand is a text expansion app that helps you save a lot of time by assigning shortcuts to your frequently used texts. Features include: • Expand text on almost all...

    Freemium Android Android Tablet

  • TypeIt4Me

    Available since 1989, TypeIt4Me is the original text expander for Mac OS. Any time you enter text in your Mac by typing it at the keyboard, TypeIt4Me can help you do it...

    Commercial Mac OS X

  • Snippet Bin

    How it works: if you are running Snippet Bin and type "//for ", it can turn this into: for ( $i = 1 ; $i <= 10 ; $i++ ) { //stuff } But...

    Commercial Windows

  • Textspansion

    Access your commonly typed phrases with Android’s first “text expansion” app! Access a database of your commonly typed phrases with Android’s first “text expansion” ap...

    Free Android

  • Tactor

    Tactor tries to guess the best action for the current text selection. For example consider text containing – an URL link. Or...

    Free Mac OS X

  • QuicKeys

    QuicKeys is software that makes it easier to use your computer. With QuicKeys you can automate common things you do all the time. And you can automate tedious things you...

    Commercial Mac OS X

  • TastenTrick

    A text expander and note taking tool for Windows. Replace abbreviations with full sentences and take notes just by tapping caps lock .

    Commercial Windows

  • Beeftext

    Are you tired of repeatedly typing the same text over and over again? - The custom email signature you only use for your close friends. - The markdown snippet you...

    Free Open Source Windows

  • canSnippet

    canSnippet is a snippet management tool for macOS. It allows developers to easily save snippets and integrate them in any running application.
