The Best 19 WinSize2 Alternatives

  • RBTray

    Allows almost any program to be minimized to the system tray by right clicking its minimize button.

    Free Open Source Windows

  • AutoSizer

    AutoSizer automatically resizes programs for you, keeping them at a specific size or keeping them maximized. One popular use is to keep Internet Explorer maximized when you go on the web.

    Free Windows

  • Ghoster

    Dims all windows except the active one. Features: - Place a transparent image across the screen. - Highly configurable.

    Free Windows

  • TaskLayout

    TaskLayout is a small portable Windows utility which allow saving/restoring of desktop layout (a set of specified apps/windows with corresponding position on screen) in...

    Free Personal Windows

  • FreeSnap

    Ever try to size a window so it just touches the edge of the screen? It’s tedious (at least for me). FreeSnap allows you to instantly resize any window edge to the...

    Free Windows

  • ZMover

    ZMover helps you manage your desktop layout by enabling you to set the size, position and layering of application windows. Instead of wasting time rearranging windows...

    Commercial Windows

  • PowerResizer

    PowerResizer is a utility that provides many facilities in moving or resizing windows in a Microsoft Windows desktop environment. One of the key-features of...

    Free Open Source Windows

  • MinimOther

    Endlessly minimizes all windows except the active one.

    Free Windows

  • WinWarden

    Automatically control how to display a window. Features: - Move, maximize, minimize, restore, enable, disable, hide, show, ontop, bottom, alwaysontop, clip...

    Free Windows

  • ZoneSize

    Define zones that autosize windows dropped on them. Features: - Hold a window over a zone for .5 sec to autosize it. - Doubleclick the tray icon to center the...

    Free Windows

  • FP-WindowManager

    Easily manage windows, including automatic alignment and sizing, pinning and unpinning (set on top), shortcuts to stack and view side by side and shortcuts to change...

    Free Open Source Windows

  • Aero Shake

    Aero Shake is a new feature for windows 7. It allows you to minimize and restore the windows that are open in your desktop. This awesome and practical trick allows you...

    Free Open Source Windows

  • Shock Caption

    Make Windows in caption bar size and recover again. Version 1.5 available. Version 1.1 download is compromised.

    Free Windows

  • TransOther

    Make all windows but the active one transparent. Features: - User defined transparency level. - Can ignore always ontop windows. - Won't make parent windows...

    Free Windows

  • VirtualScreenMaximizer

    Small utility that maximizes user's windows over the entire virtual screen area (that is, all monitors). It registers configurable hotkeys and runs in the traybar.

    Free Windows

  • winlayout

    WinLayout is a program with keyboard hotkeys to move, resize, and snap windows all around the desktop area.

    Free Windows