Microsoft Network Monitor
Microsoft Network Monitor is a packet analyzer. It enables capturing, viewing, and analyzing network data and deciphering network protocols. It can be used to troubleshoot network problems and applications on the network.
WinPcap is the first successful port of libpcap (originally developed for Unix-like operating systems) for Windows. Features of WinPcap: -WinPcap is released under the BSD open source licence.
winpcap is the first successful port of libpcap (originally developed for unixlike operating systems) for windows.features of winpcap:winpcap is released under the bsd open source licence.it implements all of the classic optimizations described in the packet capture literature (e.g., kernellevel filtering and buffering, context switch mitigation, partial packet copy), plus some original ones, like jit filter compilation and kernellevel statistic processing. it allows applications to capture and transmit network packets bypassing the protocol stack.it has additional useful features, including kernellevel packet filtering, a network statistics engine and support for remote packet capture.
Productivity Security Networking and Admin
network-monitoring packet-capture