DisplayFusion will make your multi-monitor life much easier. With powerful features like Multi-Monitor Taskbars, TitleBar Buttons and fully customizable Functions, DisplayFusion will make managing your multiple monitors painless.
Wallpaper Manager is a wallpaper cycling and management tool especially designed for multiscreen systems. .
featuresapplies multiscreen wallpapers over all monitors.applies multiple singlescreen wallpapers (one for each monitor) and offers three different cycle modes.allows automatic cycling of wallpapers in an given interval.adds new wallpapers automatically by watching one or more folders for changes.allows to define a priority for each wallpaper for a better cycle control.offers five different placement modes to make each wallpaper fit well on the screen.provides several additional display settings like margins or simple effects like mirroring or flipping.cycles wallpapers only on specified day times if configured (like cycling one wallpaper only in the morning, one in the evening etc).can draw text overlays over applied wallpapers to show useful information (like the name of the current wallpaper, the computer name, the system's up time etc)offers special windows 7 features like displaying the time until the next cycle in the application's overlay icon in the task bar.modern easytouse user interface.open source project without any advertisement.
Productivity Developer Tools Phots and Graphics
background backgrounds wallpapers dual-monitor wallpaper-changer wallpaper-randomizer dual-monitors wallpaper-cycler dual-screen