The Best 5 WallaBee Alternatives

  • Badge(r)s!

    The game all about collecting, sharing and creating virtual swag! Badge(r)s! the casual location based MMO.

    Free Android Web

  • Itography

    Find items while you are waiting in lines, traveling and just generally killing time. It is easy to find items within your “loot radius.” In fact, there are probably items all around you right now.

    Free Android iPhone

  • Sighter

    Sighter is a social, outdoor treasure hunting activity, where you can play hide and seek with interesting sights, simply by taking and sharing photos.

    Free Android iPhone iPad

  • TravelerQuest

    An ever changing game for the competitive user, Traveler's Quest incorporates real life into a game of mobile virtual geocaching. A game unlike any other in the app...

    Free iPhone