gps status toolbox
Display your GPS and sensor data: Shows the position, number and signal strength of GPS satellites. Check your position, GPS accuracy, speed, acceleration and bearing.
VisualGPSView incorporates many advanced features found in professional programs. Its sole purpose is to display graphically specific NMEA 0183 sentences.
nmea/glonass supports gps nmea and glonass nmeaazimuth and elevation plot view all satellites that are in view. each satellite identifies its pseudo random number (prn) and its azimuth and elevation.
scatter plot the scatter plot shows individual position samples referenced to several type of reference types, next sample, average or user defined.
signal quality/snr window monitor satellite signal to noise ratios and see them graphically on the screen. the signal quality window will grow or shrink to accommodate number of satellites in view
position plot monitor latitude, longitude and altitude averages.
nmea command monitor view nmea sentences as they are received
nmea recording and playback record nmea directly to a file or read nmea from a file. nmea files consists of standard nmea sentences in text ascii characters.
Travel and Location Sport and Health
gps gps-tracking gps-navigation gps-location gps-status nmea gps-record gps-logger gps-application gps-snr nmea-0183 nmea-recording