The Best 10 Vimperator Alternatives

  • Vimium

    the hacker's browser. vimium provides keyboard shortcuts for navigation and control in the spirit of vim . vimium helps you navigate the web without touching the mouse.

    Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux Web Chrome Firefox

  • Pentadactyl

    Pentadactyl is a free browser add-on for Firefox, designed to make browsing more efficient and especially more keyboard accessible.

    Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux Firefox

  • VimFx

    VimFx is a Mozilla Firefox extension which introduces Vim-style keyboard shortcuts for browsing and navigation, significantly reducing the use of mouse, and allowing your hands to rest on the home row.

    Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux Firefox

  • cVim

    Vim bindings for Google Chrome.

    Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux Chrome

  • Shortcat

    Keep your hands on the keyboard and boost your productivity! Shortcat is a keyboard tool for Mac OS X that lets you "click" buttons and control your apps with...

    Commercial Mac OS X

  • hunt-n-peck

    Simple vimium/vimperator style navigation for Windows applications based on the UI Automation framework.

    Free Open Source Windows

  • vrome

    Vrome is a Vim keybindings extension for Chrome. Designed to provide a more efficient browsing experience, Vrome comes with its own additions that will surprise you. ...

    Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux Chrome OS Chrome

  • conkeror

    Conkeror is a keyboard-oriented, highly-customizable, highly-extensible web browser based on Mozilla XULRunner.

    Free Windows Linux

  • Mouseless Browsing

    Mouseless Browsing (MLB) enables you to browse the web entirely with the keyboard. The basic principle is to add small boxes with unique ids behind every link and/or...

    Free Mac OS X Windows Linux Firefox