To teach touch-typing well, you need a teaching assistant that is effective with students, genuinely motivates them, lets you direct the instruction, provides the...
Mac OS X
to teach touchtyping well, you need a teaching assistant that is effective with students, genuinely motivates them, lets you direct the instruction, provides the reports you need, and above all works reliably! ultrakey is everything you're looking for and more... • clear effective instruction in all aspects of touchtyping.• adapts to learning needs at the class and individual levels.• comprehensive learning management system.• free support through phone, web and email by the people who created ultrakey. engineered for all mac os x and windows computers.localized for north american, uk, and australianew zealand english.
Mastering typing has never been easier than with the all new edition of Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing Powered by Ultra Key. The award winning software program provides the most efficient way to learn and master typing fundamentals.
TypingMaster is a professional typing tutor that helps you double your typing speed. It adapts to your unique needs providing customized exercises and helpful feedback.
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