Automatically rename and organize your TV shows and Movies. Also moves them to your Media Library! TV Series Episodes and Movie File Renamer works with IMDb.com, TV.com, theTVDB.com, EPGUIDES.
Say you've downloaded a few TV episodes, and they have names like: Greys.Anatomy.S03E04.blah.xvid.avi and you want them named more like: Greys Anatomy - S03E04 - What I Am.avi ..this this is the program for you! But wait..
say you've downloaded a few tv episodes, and they have names like: greys.anatomy.s03e04.blah.xvid.avi and you want them named more like:greys anatomy s03e04 what i am.avi ..this this is the program for you! but wait.. theres more!!! # rename files, using data from thetvdb.com # check if youre missing episodes in your collection # tell you how long until the next time a show airs # monitor your library of folders for new shows and seasons # copy files from where you download them to, to fill in gaps in your main collection # unname files, using names in a .torrent file
Productivity Video File Management
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Automatically rename and organize your TV shows and Movies. Also moves them to your Media Library! TV Series Episodes and Movie File Renamer works with IMDb.com, TV.com, theTVDB.com, EPGUIDES.
Free Windows
Simple application to assist you in renaming TV Series files. Filenames can be based on data provided by for example TheTVDB.com.
Free Mac OS X Windows Linux
Movie Renamer is an Open Source application (Windows/Linux/OSX), totally free written in java, for easily renaming movie files.
Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux
Crowd sourced media renamer using file hashes. * Rename based on file hashes * Fast (Hashes even 1GB+ video files in a fraction of a second) * 100% free * The more users, the more accurate the results
Free Windows
ALmoviesRenamer cares about automatically rename your movie files, searching for information on the web. You will have video file names like this: A.Really.Cool.Movie.2008.ENG.XviD-Republic.
Free Open Source Windows Linux
XBMC Media Move is a real-time tool designed to fill the gap between softwares like uTorrent and XBMC Media Center by dispatching media files automatically upon arrival....
Free Windows
TVRenamer - Automatically rename downloaded TV show Episodes Features: Monitor folder for new files Can handle a vast number of file naming schems Automatically...
Free Open Source Windows