trunow is a free mobile rewards app that connects users and participating gas retailers in real time. with, trunow users get special offers from participating retailers with immediate rewards or cashback.
trunow users get “just in time” alerts to the closest network gas retailers with the best gas pricing and convenience store offers. the biggest savings, best values, and highest rewards are realized with participating retailer purchases. best of all, whether shopping in or out of the network, loyalty rewards increase with every purchase, at every gas station, every time.
the free app is easy to use: just open the app and start driving. the app uses your location. special offers from retailers come to you as you approach their locations. go to the location of your choice, make a purchase, and capture the receipt. it’s that simple! review your rewards anytime, anywhere. share your experience with the trunow community.
redeeming rewards is easy. tap the rewards icon to redeem for store purchases or cashback at participating retailers. want your cash rewards instantly? tap the paypal cash option.
trunow is rapidly expanding to new markets. why wait? discover your free, no hassle, big rewards and awesome savings now. download the loyalty app and start getting rewarded today.