MySQL Workbench
MySQL Workbench is a unified visual tool for database architects, developers, and DBAs.
This software is for all developers, database designers and for all who want to create and maintain their database structures effectively. Key features include: Entity...
this software is for all developers, database designers and for all who want to create and maintain their database structures effectively. key features include: entity relationship diagrams physical, logical and universal models. support for various databases(oracle, microsoft sql server, mysql, postgresql, db2...)generation of sql (ddl) scripts reverse engineering generation of alter scripts model update and model merge gallery for storing frequently used parts of model refactoring utility generation of detailed html and rtf documentationconversion from logical to physical modelsupport for unicodeundo / redomodeless dialogs, userfriendly gui editable forms, scriptable objects...entity relationship diagrams er diagrams using the graphically very well arranged entity relationship diagrams (er diagrams) you can easily create and maintain your database structures. in your models you will have all the entities, attributes, domains, primary keys, foreign keys, constraints, relationships, indexes, descriptions, notes and other physical and logical data, laidout in a transparent order. while creating models you will have a perfect view of all database elements. triggers, procedures, views.... toad™ data modeler supports functions, procedures, triggers, views, packages, package bodies, object types, object type bodies, sequences and synonyms etc..
database development diagram modeling er-diagram studio relationship erd