Understand exactly how you spend your time and attention, with no data entry. Get Smarter with Effortless Time Tracking With no data entry, know exactly what software and sites you’re actively using.
TimeSpent is the indispensable tool for measuring, analysing, and comparing the time spent on different activities. 6 categories exist by default (Job, Sport...
timespent is the indispensable tool for measuring, analysing, and comparing the time spent on different activities.
6 categories exist by default (job, sport, computer, sleep, tv, car) but you can rename them to count the time of your own activities.
the application is very easy: when an activity begins, you start up timespent and the timer starts; when you stop, you start up timespent again and the timer stops. the time used shows up instantly and adds to previous recordings. at any moment, you can check on your iphone the time spent on each of the 6 categories, and by day, by week, by month or by year. a green or red arrow indicates the time spent by period.
time-management time-tracking spend-time internet-connection-required
Understand exactly how you spend your time and attention, with no data entry. Get Smarter with Effortless Time Tracking With no data entry, know exactly what software and sites you’re actively using.
Freemium Mac OS X Windows Linux Android Web
SaveMyTime logs online and offline activities. It takes advantage of nasty habit humans have – we unlock our phones about 120 times a day, every few minutes. SaveMyTime...
Free Android
Easy, automatic time tracking for freelancers and independent professionals. It automatically tracks what you're working on, then categorizes your tasks into various...
Commercial Mac OS X iPhone
PTM is an Open Source time tracking tool hosted by Sourceforge.net. It looks like Windows Task Manager (see screenshots) Have you ever suffer to answer to...
Free Open Source Windows
Track your employees’ work hours from anywhere on earth with the best employee time tracking software. Easy to use. No More Buddy Punching. Start your free trial now.
Freemium Windows Android iPhone Android Tablet iPad
Intertec TimePro is an affordable, proven and easy-to-use web time sheet solution that facilitates time tracking via the Internet or your Intranet.
Commercial Web