Print Manager Plus
Control and manage printing. Live Auditing, Release Station with Payment Options, Quota and Budget Tracking, Mobile Printing via Cloud, Restrictions and Rule Setting...
Print mgt software enables optimal print support for all business processes, lucrative cost savings and a significant reduction in the workload for IT departments. Is suitable for both environments with or without virtual desktops.
thinprint engine fully complements the many advantages of centralized print management with powerful features that eliminate the weak points associated with a print server concept.
lower costs through server consolidation: only one central print server is necessary. local print servers and it knowhow are not required in branch offices.unburdened networks: thinprint optimizes the transmission of print data through compression, streaming and speedcache, for all print paths, and, of course, from branch offices to the central print server.driver free printing: thanks to driver free printing, printer drivers are only stored on the central print server, while users’ pcs remain driverfree. with just a few clicks, printer drivers can be updated throughout the company.maximum print security through ssl/tls encryption up to the printer and optional secure pull printing.high availability: server and printerside failover and load balancing ensure zero outage printing.
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