OpenGL Extensions Viewer
A software program which displays information about the current OpenGL 3D accelerator and new Vulkan 3D API.
Client application for the OpenGL hardware capability database. This tool detects, displays and uploads OpenGL hardware reports to the OpenGL hardware database at http://opengl.gpuinfo.org .
the “opengl hardware capability viewer” (short “glcapsviewer) a multiplatform clientside application that reads out all important hardware capabilities of the current openglimplementation present on your system, that can then be uploaded to a public database, serving as a tool for opengl developers.
the early versions of this tool were developed using delphi / free pascal, but the project has since then been redone in c++ is available for multiple platforms.database
along with the clientside application, there is also an online database containing all opengl hardware reports uploaded by users of this application.
the database itself allows for advanced searches (extensions, compressed texture formats, capabilities), and can compare different device reports, so you can e.g. check what has changed between two driver versions or how two graphics cards differ in terms of their opengl implementation.
you can access the database via opengl.gpuinfo.org.
Hardware Accelerated Hardware Monitoring
educational graphics system-utilities system-information educational-tool 3d-graphics opengl hardware-accelerated hardware-monitoring drivers test-hardware device-drivers hardware