Taxonomy helps you to quickly sort the folders and store them in order. Taxonomy was specially developed for quick file sorting.
taxonomy helps you to quickly sort the folders and store them in order.
taxonomy was specially developed for quick file sorting. it will come handy if you need to sort your photos among several folders: “holiday in spain”, “party”, “add to facebook”, etc. it is indispensable when it is time to clean out the downloads folder, the desktop or arrange the projects or the media. it will make the files and folders wellstructured, allowing quick and easy finding of the information.
Sometimes Newtons Law of Inertia is just as applicable to the digital world as to the physical. All too often our files sit around never to be filed. Downloads and other sundry files pile up never to leave.
End the chaos of your unorganized files in one simple click! Take your messy folders and Desktop under control. The app is available for all major desktop platforms...
Teach Once, Tidy Automatically The elegant Autotidy feature will look at the files you’ve dragged (or scheduled) and if it finds any file types it hasn’t encountered...
organize - The file management automation tool. A clean and very powerful file management tool for the command line.
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