The Best 9 TapIt4Me Alternatives

  • TextExpander

    TextExpander saves you countless keystrokes with customized abbreviations for your frequently-used text strings and images.

    Commercial Mac OS X Windows iPhone iPad

  • Texpand

    Texpand is a text expansion app that helps you save a lot of time by assigning shortcuts to your frequently used texts. Features include: • Expand text on almost all...

    Freemium Android Android Tablet

  • Textspansion

    Access your commonly typed phrases with Android’s first “text expansion” app! Access a database of your commonly typed phrases with Android’s first “text expansion” ap...

    Free Android

  • Tactor

    Tactor tries to guess the best action for the current text selection. For example consider text containing – an URL link. Or...

    Free Mac OS X

  • TastenTrick

    A text expander and note taking tool for Windows. Replace abbreviations with full sentences and take notes just by tapping caps lock .

    Commercial Windows

  • Beeftext

    Are you tired of repeatedly typing the same text over and over again? - The custom email signature you only use for your close friends. - The markdown snippet you...

    Free Open Source Windows

  • canSnippet

    canSnippet is a snippet management tool for macOS. It allows developers to easily save snippets and integrate them in any running application.
