The Best 20 Symphytum Alternatives

  • LibreOffice - Base

    Base is a full-featured desktop database front end, designed to meet the needs of a broad array of users, for all kinds of usages, such as keeping track of collections of objects,maintaining customer information databases,maintaining...

    Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux BSD

  • Microsoft Office Access

    Microsoft Access, part of the Microsoft Office Suite, is a database management system for Windows that combines the relational Microsoft Jet Database Engine with a graphical user interface and software-development tools.

    Commercial Windows

  • FileMaker Pro

    FileMaker Pro is powerful, easy-to-use database software that helps you and your team get any task done faster.

    Commercial Mac OS X Windows iPhone iPad

  • Kexi

    Kexi is considered as a long awaited Open Source competitor for Microsoft Access, Filemaker and Oracle Forms. Kexi is an integrated data management application. It...

    Free Open Source Linux

  • Bento

    Meet Bento, the breakthrough new version of the wildly popular personal database from FilmMaker.

    Commercial Mac OS X iPhone iPad

  • dbFront

    Quickly create dynamic and powerful web applications using all the power of your MySQL, Oracle or SQL Server database.

    Freemium Windows Web Self-Hosted

  • Limbas

    Limbas is a web-based framework and frontend for business or enterprise database applications and processes. It contains front-end functionality like a form designer, a...

    Free Open Source Linux BSD

  • PortaBase

    PortaBase (portable database) is a program for conveniently managing one-table database files. It is available for many platforms, including Linux, Mac OS X (Tiger and...

    Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux

  • SnapDB

    Simple, flat-file database/list app.

    Free Windows

  • Steward Database

    Steward is a personal database for organizing everything. It's easy to use. • 10+ prebuilt templates (Password, Personal Collection, Notes, Home Inventory etc) •...


  • MobiDB Database Designer

    MobiDB Database Designer is a general-purpose relational database app for business users with multi-user access and synchronization. It is able to store any type of...

    Freemium Windows Android Android Tablet Windows RT Windows Phone

  • Dabitat

    Your information is everywhere. It’s in spreadsheets, emails, and note pads … It’s at work, at home, and in your pocket … You can’t find it when you want it. You...

    Free Web

  • Records for Mac

    Records is the most innovative personal database app ever designed. Efficiently collect and organize any kind of information, from your movies to your customer invoices...


  • EagleData

    EagleData is a simple but flexible database that I wrote in the last millennium for the good old ATARI. It is useful to file your addresses, catalogue your cd-, games-...

    Free Mac OS X

  • iDatabase for Mac

    iDatabase makes it easy for everyone to create and manage collections, inventories, lists and databases thanks to a novel user experience for this type of application....


  • Pakker

    Pakker is an easy to use personal database with a visual form designer and easy sharing. Pakker does not require any programming skills and is available as an online...

    Commercial Web