Filter Forge
On the surface, Filter Forge is just a Photoshop plugin, a pack of filters that generate textures, create visual effects, enhance photos, process images. However, there are 3 things that make Filter Forge unique: 1.
Substance Designer is a node-based non-destructive application for material authoring. Edit complete texture sets fast with the non-linear workflow and see your changes apply simultaneously to all your outputs.
substance designer is a nodebased nondestructive application for material authoring. edit complete texture sets fast with the nonlinear workflow and see your changes apply simultaneously to all your outputs.
emulate natural effects with a range of noises and filters for authenticlooking materials that complement your powers of expression and creativity. thousands of materials, filters and procedureal tools are already freely available.
exportready for game engines and renderers via plugins for such editors like 3dsmax, houdini, maya and game engines like unreal engine or unity. bake ao, normal, id, height, curvature, position, polypaint and any other map you may need quickly and easily within substance designer by yourself or via batch tools and scripts.
Developer Tools Phots and Graphics
graphics 3d-graphics texturing material-design textures