Morph Age Express
Morph Age Express is an application for morphing and warping still images on Mac OS X. With Morph Age, you can create a QuickTime morphing animation from at least 2 input images.
Sqirlz Morph allows you to mark features on several images, and the program mixes the images so that each feature on one image moves smoothly to the corresponding...
Sqirlz Morph allows you to mark features on several images, and the program mixes the images so that each feature on one image moves smoothly to the corresponding feature on the other images a technique widely used in the film industry.Multimorphing is available any number of images can be morphed together.Morph animations can be saved as Macromedia Flash (SWF) files, AVI video clips, GIF files, or BMP and JPEG files.
image-morphing image-effects morphing