with this calculator you can calculate mathematical expressions with fractions, mixed fractions, complex numbers, matrices.
* intuitive input and editing.* saving expressions.* on editor, you can use select, copy, cut, paste for expressions.* pinchtozoom* copy answer.* showing result as decimal or fraction.* undo and redo.* choosing font.
support functions:* calculation of mixed, improper fraction and recurring decimal (repeating decimal). * operations with matrices, vectors and complex numbers. * trigonometric functions: sin, cos, tan, ctan. the calculation of trigonometric functions in degrees and radians. use symbol ° for degrees, symbol ' for minute, symbol '' for second. * inverse trigonometric functions: asin, acos, atan, actan. * secant (sec), cosecant (csc). * logarithms: ln, lg, log ln: natural logarithm. lg: common logarithm. * constants: p, e * hyperbolic functions: sh, ch, th, cth * the square root v, the root of nth degree nv, module | a |, signum (sign), exponentiation an. * combination, arrangement, factorial (!) * the sum and product elements of the sequence: s, ? . * brackets: ( ) [ ] { }* base conversion of numbers and operations with different base (binary, ternary, quintal, octal, hexadecimal, decimal, base n).* calculations of limit, definite integral.* percent (%)* least (lowest) common multiple (lcm)* greatest common divisor (gcd)