The Best 8 Signature Maker Alternatives

  • Email Signature by

    Turn your page into a simple and elegant email signature. This extension places a beautiful email signature in your outbound emails. Customize what...

    Free Windows Chrome

  • ZippySig

    ZippySig is an HTML Email Signature Generator with many advanced features. It comes with many templates that have been tested with email clients to ensure compatibility...

    Freemium Windows

  • CodeTwo Exchange Rules

    Products created to simplify designing and automatically adding standardized signatures containing company branding and users' personal details to emails sent via...

    Commercial Windows Microsoft Office Outlook iOS Microsoft Exchange Server

  • Htmlsig

    Our email signature generator allows you to effortlessly create signatures to use with your email accounts. The process is fairly simple: fill out the form with the...

    Freemium Web

  • MailDoodler

    Maildoodler allows you to centrally manage all of the employees e-mail signatures. This will help the brand consistency and compliance. You can also use this as a...

    Commercial Web

  • Sigstr

    Sigstr strategically enhances employee email to drive brand awareness, and generate real marketing results every time an email is sent. 1:1 emails are one of the most...

    Commercial Web