Simple Last.fm Scrobbler
Simple Last.fm Scrobbler is a simple app that scrobbles music listened to on an Android phone. Scrobbling means submitting listening information to Last.fm (and...
A lightweight browser extension that “scrobbles” the music you listen to on the web to your Last.fm account. Currently supports scrobbling from: Pandora, Turntable.
A lightweight browser extension that “scrobbles” the music you listen to on the web to your Last.fm account. Currently supports scrobbling from: Pandora, Turntable.fm, Google Play, Amazon Cloud Player, AccuRadio, Bandcamp, Grooveshark, Jango, Rhapsody, Songza, Twonky and we7.
browser-extension last.fm-scrobbler audio-scrobbling
Simple Last.fm Scrobbler is a simple app that scrobbles music listened to on an Android phone. Scrobbling means submitting listening information to Last.fm (and...
Free Open Source Android
The original Last.fm Scrobbler client for OS X. Features: - Full Radio support. - Integrated iPod support. - Local Scrobble lists and profile charts. - Scriptable...
Free Mac OS X
The Better Music Chrome extension to improve the Google Play Music experience: scrobbling, toast notifications, play controls, and more!.
Free Mac OS X Windows Linux Chrome Yandex.Browser
Leave QuietScrob running in background and it will scrobble all music you listen • Scrobbles from default Music app and some third-party players while running in...
Freemium iPhone iPad Last.fm
CloudScrob updates your online profile without ever syncing to a computer. Each time you open it, CloudScrob scans your music library looking for updated play counts...