Night Screen / Blackbulb
Prevent your eyes from being hurt by screen light on Android. Adjust brithness and screen color to prevent your eyes from being hurt by screen light.
Screen Lights is created for those people who spend a lot of time at night working.
screen lights is created for those people who spend a lot of time at night working.
limit your exposure to energyefficient lighting before bed. in addition to the led screens in your electronics, energyefficient lighting emits a lot of blue light.
exposure to blue light before you go to bed significantly affects your sleep quality, because it prevents your body from releasing melatonin, a chemical in your body that helps you sleep.
screen lights reduce how much blue light your computer monitor emits, and it will change the color of your screen, which will reduce the amount of blue light your screen emits, helping you sleep better, reduce eye strain and helps you focus on the most important things on the screen.
whether you're in a lowlight environment or reading long documents, changing black text on a white background to white text on a black background can make a difference in your comfort level, provides better screen visibility when in sunlight, without having to increase the screen’s brightness. it`s easier on the eyes for some people with a sensitivity to brightness, easier to distinguish for some people with color blindness, and easier to make out for some people with low vision.
show ruler to help you stay focused on the text you are reading.
screen lights features:
turn on/off screen light select between four colors control the amount of color filtering applied control dim level invert screen colors ruller start at login no internet required friendly user interface easy to use and very useful
sleep health-and-fitness ruler gamma eye melatonin candle invert-colors redline rubylith