Stack Overflow
stack overflow, part of stack exchange , is a free, community-driven, reputation-based q & a site for computer programmers.
Scoold is inspired by StackOverflow and implements most of its features. You can ask and answer questions, upvote and downvote posts, earn badges and reputation.
scoold is inspired by stackoverflow and implements most of its features. you can ask and answer questions, upvote and downvote posts, earn badges and reputation. each edit creates an new revision, making it easy to follow the history of edits. scoold is optimized for the cloud. you can simply click the 'deploy to heroku' button and get upandrunning in minutes. you can deploy it to your favorite paas, too.
each post is indexed and analyzed by para and elasticsearch — a powerful search engine. you can search for users, questions and answers from the search bar on top. questions can be associated with a specific location and then filtered based on that location. this feature enables geolocation queries an gives you the option to search for questions around you.
like all stackexchange sites, scoold implements a simple but effective reputation system with badges. people are awarded reputation points for good questions and answers, as well as various badges for their achievements on the site. we kept things simple on the frontend, that's why we chose to use jquery, the trusted javascript library. it takes care of ajax requests and toggles elements on the screen, nothing more. pages are rendered on the server, just like in the good old days, making them easily crawlable by search engines. page urls are pretty tidy, too.
scoold is enterprisefriendly and supports ldap. it's great for intranet deployments behind corporate firewalls and scoold users can be seemlessly authenticated by your company's ldap server.
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