The Best 32 Sauce Labs Alternatives

  • LambdaTest

    With LambdaTest, you can seamlessly test your public or locally hosted web apps across 1400+ different browsers, OS, resolutions and devices.

    Freemium Web

  • Browsershots

    Browsershots makes screenshots of your web design in different browsers. It is a free open-source online service created by Johann C. Rocholl. When you submit your web address, it will be added to the job queue.

    Free Open Source Web

  • BrowserStack

    Browserstack is a useful online tool which allows users to test their website from different browsers. The list of supported browsers includes Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Opera, and Safari.

    Commercial Web

  • TestingWhiz

    TestingWhiz™ is a Code-less Test Automation Tool, which can perform End-to-end testing like Functional, Regression, Database, Big Data, Web UI, Cross Browser testing & Distributed Execution for Web, Mobile and Cloud Apps.

    Freemium Windows

  • IETester

    IETester is a free WebBrowser that allows you to have the rendering and javascript engines of IE11, IE10, IE9, IE8, IE7 IE 6 and IE5.5 on Windows 8 desktop, Windows 7, Vista and XP, as well as the installed IE in the same process.

    Free Windows

  • browserling

    Browserling lets you quickly cross-browser test your websites in all the most popular browsers, such as Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari, Opera and Firefox. We run the browsers in virtual machines and you get live access to them. 1.

    Freemium Web

  • CrossBrowserTesting

    Run manual, visual, or automated tests on your website or web application across 1500+ real desktop and mobile browsers right in the cloud.

    Commercial Web

  • Turbo Browser Sandbox

    Run any browser instantly online. Supports all release and beta versions of Chrome, Firefox, IE, and Opera.

    Freemium Windows

  • MultiBrowser

    MultiBrowser (or Multi-Browser Viewer) is a cross browser and functional web testing software tool, using REAL standalone browsers, an accurate mobile emulator and...

    Commercial Windows Microsoft Visual Studio Windows 8 Windows 10 Windows 7

  • IE NetRenderer

    Free online HTML tool that shows instantly how your website looks like in Microsoft Internet Explorer 8, 7, 6 and 5.5.

    Free Web

  • TestingBot

    Cross browser compatibility testing with Selenium Online. Automatically test your website on multiple browsers with Selenium. Manually test your website in your...

    Commercial Web

  • GeoScreenshot

    Capture a screenshot of your webpage from many geo-locations worldwide.

    Freemium Web

  • XLT - Xceptance LoadTest

    The Test Automation and Load Test Tool for Software Development. Familiar with Selenium? You will love functional testing with XLT! It extends the concept with test...

    Freemium Mac OS X Windows Linux

  • pCloudy

    pCloudy is the most powerful cloud based App Testing Platform. It has the most comprehensive set of Mobile Devices & Tools to Improve Quality of your App. pCloudy...


  • Browshot

    Browshot is a powerful service to take real-time screenshots in 30+ screen resolutions on 15+ virtual devices, including iPhone, Nook, Android, etc. Browshot provides...

    Commercial Web

  • Abmash

    Web application automation based on the visible rendered output with Java.

    Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux

  • BrowseEmAll

    BrowseEmAll is a web testing tool for manual and automated cross browser testing, using on-premise browsers, an accurate mobile emulator and seamless integration with...

    Commercial Windows

  • Browsera

    Automated website layout testing service. Get a free report of your sites cross-browser problems.

    Commercial Web

  • Endtest

    Endtest is a platform that allows you to create, manage and run Automated Tests for Web Applications without writing any code.

    Freemium Web