Stack Overflow
stack overflow, part of stack exchange , is a free, community-driven, reputation-based q & a site for computer programmers.
Debugging assistant for developers. Samebug provides resources to help you fix crashes efficiently.
existing solutions to fast track debugging: analyze, discuss and solve exceptions.your bugs are not unique. we provide tips written by other users, a list of users who have seen the same bug and solutions from the web. find a solution to your error by pasting your stack trace to our search engine or via one of our integrations.
features:private exception repository and knowledge baseautomated stack trace search, using the full stack tracestack trace analysiscommitted to privacy
integrations:intellij idea, android studio, eclipse
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online-collaboration software-development team-collaboration software-as-a-service development efficiency web-search java knowledge-sharing knowledge-base developer-tools programming debugger groovy get-answer jruby development-tool programmer clojure scala java-development developers jython kotlin
stack overflow, part of stack exchange , is a free, community-driven, reputation-based q & a site for computer programmers.
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Light weight crash reporting solution, we find the needle in the haystack, even the exact line of code that your app crashed on.
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