Explorer of DUniter communities network, to certify trusted peers, to generate an universal dividend, to send & receive transactions from anyone.
Open Source
(Planet) Duniter
htmlless explorer of the community network duniter , it allows to certify trusted peers, to send transactions, to check received transactions, and to explore the web of trust / canvas of trust from one given identity.
however, it does not handle profile for peers , or marketplace as cesium does ( merchants place , announces place )
multicommunities and multicurrencywallet for the communities based on ucp duniter protocol :
* duniter account management via wallets and communities* community membership management* contacts management* multicommunities* multicurrencies* multiwallets* userfriendly money transfer
to learn :* french communities : http://duniter.fr * https://github.com/duniter/sakia * https://github.com/duniter/sakia/wiki * basic project : http://duniter.org
Nxt is a fast and energy-efficient cryptocurrency based on the Proof-of-Stake concept, suitable for online payments and decentralized assets. Nextcoin and Nxtcoin are features of Nxt.
Keybase will be a public directory of publicly auditable public keys. All paired, for convenience, with unique usernames. The service is in private beta , only invitations are delivered. Common source code : https://github .
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amazon payments, inc., is a wholly owned subsidiary of amazon that provides a means to process transactions online. launched in 2006, amazon payments uses the consumer base of amazon.
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Blockchain timestamping and certification Software as a Service , SaaS. Woleet offers a BaaS (Blockchain as a service) platform with the following features : .
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