VM manager
Linux-based VPS management web control panel, which presents perfect tools for creating virtual machines, providing VPS hosting services and building cloud infrastructure.
Sadeem SaaS Cloud Hosting Platform, to sell cloud on your servers with self-serivce portal.
Sadeem simplifies selling IaaS hosting; with a builtin selfservice portal, billing and support system
Productivity Networking and Admin
cloud-management cloud-based virtualization cloud-hosting billing-software virtual-private-server hosting-solution cloud-orchestration virtualization-manager hosting-billing
Linux-based VPS management web control panel, which presents perfect tools for creating virtual machines, providing VPS hosting services and building cloud infrastructure.
Commercial Linux
Proxmox Virtual Environment is an easy to use Open Source virtualization platform for running Virtual Appliances and Virtual Machines.
Apache's CloudStack is a Project backed by Citrix and designed to be a direct competitor to OpenStack.
Free Open Source Linux Web
PetiteCloud is a HyperVisor frontend for BSD. It has the following features: Support for bhyve (including linux support) and QEMU (software emulation only until the FreeBSD port of kqemu is fixed).
Free Open Source BSD
Virtualizor is a powerful web based VPS Control Panel. It supports OpenVZ, Xen PV, Xen HVM, XenServer and Linux KVM virtualization.
Commercial Linux Self-Hosted
OpenNode Cloud Platform is an open source server virtualization and management solution, offering an easy and flexible way for creating your IaaS service.
Free Open Source Linux
VirtEngine is an Open Source Cloud Management platform that integrates with OpenNebula (Compute), Docker (Containers), Bitnami (Applications), and Ceph (Storage), WHMCS...
Free Open Source Linux Self-Hosted
WebVirtMgr is a libvirt-based Web interface for managing virtual machines. It allows you to create and configure new domains, and adjust a domain's resource...
Free Open Source Linux Web