Google Fit
Google Fit is a health-tracking platform developed by Google for the Android operating system. It is a single set of APIs that blends data from multiple apps and devices.
Rthm is the AI that monitors your vital signs and activity along with your genetic profile to generate life improving recommendations.
rthm is the first mobile app capable of monitoring your heart rate and breathing rate, turning your phone into the world's most advanced fitness tracker.
heart health the only mobile app that can seamlessly monitor your heart and respiration rate through clothes.genetics receive genetic based health recommendations for a longer life.meditation easy meditation anywhere with realtime feedback from your breathing and heart patterns.activity track activity trends, steps, distance, calories, and activity type (walk/run).sleep automatic sleep monitoring and longterm trend analysis.all on your phone with the rthm app, your phone is the only fitness tracker you will ever need
health-and-fitness medical-information