Reference Warrior is Image Referencing Software which will make your day to day creative process easier and more efficient.
the rw tools allow you to:lock the image viewer and make it transparent so you can trace with any other 3d or 2d creative software (like digital tracing paper).
drag and drop images from local drives or the web
open image files saved as gif, png, jpg, jpeg, bmp, tif, tiff, ico, emf, wmf
manipulate the reference images by rotating, panning, scaling, transparency, adding text, monochrome, invert and copying etc.
create rw collections (.rwc) which will group reference images together and remember the scale and position you had them in
you can use the screen capture tool to create art boards and working references
hide tool allows you to toggle your reference images visibility
keep on top allows you to make your reference images the priority over other windows open in your workspace and you can lock them to your workspace
tiny and task tray modes means you won’t have your workspace cluttered with another application
you can access all the tools from the rw task tray icon, which makes it easily accessible
development reference image-viewer