The Best 16 Raven DB Alternatives

  • MongoDB icon


    MongoDB (from "humongous") is a scalable, high-performance, open source NoSQL database. The database is document-oriented so it manages collections of JSON-like documents.

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  • CouchDB

    Apache CouchDB is a distributed, fault-tolerant and schema-free document-oriented database accessible via a RESTful HTTP / JSON API.

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  • RethinkDB

    RethinkDB pushes JSON to your apps in realtime. When your app polls for data, it becomes slow, unscalable, and cumbersome to maintain.

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  • Apache Cassandra

    Apache Cassandra has become the leading NoSQL platform driving many of today's modern business applications by offering continuous availability, high scalability and performance, strong security, and operational simplicity while...

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  • CouchBase

    Couchbase is the NoSQL database market share leader, with production deployments at AOL, Deutsche Post, NTT Docomo,, Turner Broadcasting Systems, Zynga and hundreds of other organizations worldwide.

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  • CockroachDB

    Cockroach is a distributed key/value datastore which supports ACID transactional semantics and versioned values as first-class features. The primary design goal is...

    Free Open Source Mac OS X Linux BSD

  • Orient DB

    The Document-Graph database supports SQL and Native Queries, asynchronous commands, intents, and much more.

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  • Apache HBase

    HBase is an open source, non-relational, distributed database modeled after Google's BigTable and is written in Java. It is developed as part of Apache Software...

    Free Open Source Linux Web

  • Cosmos DB

    Azure DocumentDB is a NoSQL document database service designed from the ground up to natively support JSON and JavaScript directly inside the database engine. It’s the...

    Commercial Web

  • NosDB

    NosDB is a 100% native .NET Open Source NoSQL Database (released under the Apache 2.0 License). NosDB is extremely fast and linearly scalable and allows your .NET...

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  • Titan Database

    Titan is a scalable graph database optimized for storing and querying graphs containing hundreds of billions of vertices and edges distributed across a multi-machine...

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  • TayzGrid

    TayzGrid is an elastic in-memory data grid with a self-healing peer to peer dynamic data grid clustering architecture. TayzGrid is extremely fast and linearly scalable...

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  • FleetDB

    FleetDB offers a flexible and expressive data model designed for the needs of modern application developers; a combination of schema-free records, declarative queries...

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  • VoltDB

    VoltDB is a blazingly fast NewSQL database system. It is specifically designed to run on modern scale-out architectures - fast, inexpensive servers connected via...

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  • Persevere

    Persevere is designed to create applications with user interface implemented primarily on the client side and Persevere playing the role as an HTTP-based RESTful data...

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