The Unarchiver
The Unarchiver is a much more capable replacement for "BOMArchiveHelper.app", the built-in archive unpacker program in Mac OS X.
RAR Expander is a MacOSX program which extracts the files contained in RAR archives. It supports both single and multi-part archives, and has support for password-protected archives as well.
rar expander is a macosx program which extracts the files contained in rar archives. it supports both single and multipart archives, and has support for passwordprotected archives as well. it uses the official unrar library internally so it is fully compatible with archives produced by winrar.
rar expander also features applescript support, and includes a few useful example scripts for expanding multiple archives at once.
after first run it automatically registers as a default application to handle rar extension. simple and handy.
file-archiving rar