RANDOM.ORG offers true random numbers to anyone on the Internet. The randomness comes from atmospheric noise, which for many purposes is better than the pseudo-random...
Randomly generate millions of integers or floating point numbers in the desired radix (base), format, and numeric range. Generated random numbers may match any one of...
randomly generate millions of integers or floating point numbers in the desired radix (base), format, and numeric range. generated random numbers may match any one of the 17 builtin probability distributions.
specify numeric range with lower and upper bounds specify number format, base (radix), minimum and maximum number of digits generate negative numbers, fractional numbers, floating point numbers 12 continuous statistical distributions: normal / gaussian, beta, chi square, studentt, cauchy, chi, uniform, exponential, gamma, laplace, lognormal, pareto 5 discrete statistical distributions: bernoulli, binomial, uniform, geometric, poisson 5 pseudorandom number generators: fips140 compliant cryptographically secure rng, mersenne twister, additive lagged fibonacci, xorshift 128, system default save output to excel, csv, xml ensure uniqueness and remove duplicate entries ability to generate pattern/template based codes builtin password generator friendly user interface
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portable statistics statistical numerical-computations random-number-generator random-generated random-numbers random-text numbers random-password generators random randomise random-number pseudorandom probability probability-distribution rng