YellowPosts helps you to post free classifieds ads in your city for gadgets, restaurants, hotels, real estate, services, activity, business details and multiple other things around the world.
Use Quikr to buy or sell cars, real estate, furniture, flats, mobiles, electronics and more. Quikr has also helped people find their perfect job, flatmates, tutors, and all kinds of local service providers such as carpenters, drivers, etc.
quikr was launched to build a destination where people from the local community could meet to help them sell, buy, rent, or find anything in a simple and easy way. quikr is present in over 65 cities across india and has over 165 categories of products and services . quikr helps people meet their regular day to day needs by connecting them in a simple and easy way. people can come to quikr to find an apartment to live in, sell their old car or bike, get a great deal on a mobile , laptop or furniture, promote their business or start a new one, find a movie role and sell off used goods and unwanted gifts at a good price . and you also get to meet new people and make new friends while doing all of this.
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