Pencil Project
Pencil is a standalone app or Firefox extension that lets you create diagrams or UI mockups. It doesn't have collaboration/multi-user features.
Online tool for creating mockups in the browser. Use your browser’s save function to save the file (just html for view only, complete save for an editable version) or...
quickmockup is a simple tool for creating simple mockups of interfaces and websites. it is html based and javascriptenhanced.
usecasethe tool is meant to allow to quickly create mockups of interfaces in order to communicate ideas.
it is not meant for pixel perfect mockups nor for complex interface mockups involving several screens and hundereds of elements.
the target group for now are interaction/interface designers or designaware developers who take part in open source projects and need to communicate their ideas. an mockup is worth a thousand words in this case.
savingyou can just save the webpage with your browsers save function (e.g. see here for firefox) . in the dropdown in the saving dialog, you can select something like »complete webpage« and »only html«.
if you save the »complete webpage« , you retain interactivity (you could zip the files, send it to someone and that person could just continue working) . if you save »only html«, you still save a file containing your mockup wich you can view in any browser.
you can also just do a screenshot (in case it is more a throwaway mock anyway) using whichever tool you like.
prototyping sketching interface-design
Pencil is a standalone app or Firefox extension that lets you create diagrams or UI mockups. It doesn't have collaboration/multi-user features.
Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux Firefox Electron / Atom Shell
Using Balsamiq Mockups feels like you are drawing, but its digital, so you can tweak and rearrange controls easily, and the end result is much cleaner.
Commercial Mac OS X Windows Web
mockingbird is an online tool that makes it easy for you to create, link together, preview, and share mockups of your website or application. It is not Flash based.
Commercial Web
Mockup Designer, built with Backbone, Backbone-LocalStorage and Html2Canvas, is a super-easy-to-use mockup tool that uses the local storage of your browser as its...
Free Open Source Web
Justinmind is the best solution to prototype any web or mobile app you can think of. You can define websites and apps for Web, iOS, and Android with our intuitive...
WireframeSketcher is a software tool that helps quickly create wireframes, mockups and prototypes for desktop, web and mobile applications. It comes both as a plug-in...
Commercial Mac OS X Windows Linux Eclipse
Design your software or website mockups within minutes. Mockup Builder is a new look to solve old problem with prototyping and sharing sketches with customers. This...
Freemium Web
POP helps you make interactive prototype with ease. If you can draw, you can design apps. The workflow is ridiculously simple: 1 Design on Paper 2 Take Pictures 3...
Free Android iPhone Android Tablet iPad
MockupCreator is a tool to create mockups, prototypes and wireframes. MockupCreator will help you to accelerate your products development and improve the quality of...
Commercial Windows