AutoHotkey is a free, open-source scripting language for Windows that allows users to easily create small to complex scripts for all kinds of tasks such as: form fillers, auto-clicking, macros, etc.
Quick Macros automates repetitive tasks, even the most complex. Your macros can press keys, click buttons, links, menu items, on-screen images and other UI objects...
quick macros automates repetitive tasks, even the most complex. your macros can press keys, click buttons, links, menu items, onscreen images and other ui objects, manage windows, run and manage files, wait for various events, show dialogs, send/receive internet files and email, automate web pages, get/set text of ui objects, process text/html/xml/csv, automate excel, use databases, and many more. creating macros is easier with the mouse/kayboard recorder, tool dialogs, tools to capture various objects and images, intellisense, dialog editor, debugger. to run macros you can use hotkeys, autotext, mouse, window, schedule and other triggers, create popup menus and toolbars. quick macros can add your toolbars to any window, autoclose annoying popup windows, autocomplete or correct text as you type, remap keys, convert your macros to independent .exe programs, run from a usb drive. more functions can be created with the qm programming language that supports userdefined types, classes, com, dll functions, embedded vbscript/c#/vb.net/c scripts, and everything for programming even at windows api level.
Productivity System and Hardware
portable automated-tasks automation hotkeys macro-recorder scripting text-expander toolbars
AutoHotkey is a free, open-source scripting language for Windows that allows users to easily create small to complex scripts for all kinds of tasks such as: form fillers, auto-clicking, macros, etc.
Free Open Source Windows
TextExpander saves you countless keystrokes with customized abbreviations for your frequently-used text strings and images.
Commercial Mac OS X Windows iPhone iPad
pulover’s macro creator is a free automation tool and script generator. it is based on autohotkey language and provides users with multiple automation functions, as well as a built-in recorder.
Free Open Source Windows
Keyboard Maestro enables you to create or record custom macro shortcuts that you can activate at any time.
Commercial Mac OS X
WinAutomation is the most advanced Windows Automation app, featuring a Macro Recorder and a Web Recorder. With WinAutomation you can teach your computer to perform your repetitive tasks automatically.
Commercial Windows
EventGhost is an advanced, easy to use and extensible automation tool for MS Windows.
Free Open Source Windows
Macro Recorder is not only a mouse recorder, keyboard recorder and player. It is also a very powerful automation software and EXE-compiler.
Commercial Windows
Key Manager reveals the full potential of your keyboard and mouse and allows you to save time and efforts while working with your computer.
Commercial Windows