Balsamiq Mockups
Using Balsamiq Mockups feels like you are drawing, but its digital, so you can tweak and rearrange controls easily, and the end result is much cleaner.
Create, Preview, Share and Install in any iPhone iPod iPad or web browser your mobile prototypes without a single line of code. Add screenshots from Dropbox, using your iPhone library or taking pictures from drawings.
create, preview, share and install in any iphone ipod ipad or web browser your mobile prototypes without a single line of code.
add screenshots from dropbox, using your iphone library or taking pictures from drawings. you can use mockups, wireframes, drawings or final designs, everything adapts easily in prototouch. then just add interaction between your screenshots.
share your prototype with clients, friends, reviewers or whoever you want to get feedback from with just a link. you can share it via twitter, facebook, sms, email.
anyone with an iphone or any web browser can install and use your prototype.
if the user has an iphone, ipod touch or ipad the prototype will install its icon in the users device as a real app!
Productivity Travel and Location
mockups prototyping Discontinued wireframes prototype navigation tap