mikumikumoving is a freeware animation program that lets users animate and create 3d animation movies for the vocaloid character hatsune miku. mikumikumoving is an upgraded version of mikumikudance.
pmx editor is for editing 3d model data to be used in mikumikumoving . a dance animation program originally created in japanese;...
pmx editor is for editing 3d model data to be used in mikumikumoving .
a dance animation program originally created in japanese; contains a 3d mesh for models, dancers, characters, and other accessories that can be texturized and animated with the mikumikudance tools; used for storing different dancer models.
install guidehttp://www.deviantart.com/art/installationguideformmdmmepmdpmxandmmm325640079
tutorials athttp://learnmmd.com/ http://mmdsupport.deviantart.com/gallery/32011305/tutorials https://www.youtube.com/channel/uc0zcaetop04y3t1dtare_q