The Best 16 Plexus Alternatives

  • Ethereum

    Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third party interference.

    Free Open Source Windows Linux Web Mac

  • Crypti

    A decentralized application (dapp) platform which allows JavaScript developers to deploy dapps. Every dapp runs on its own fully customizable sidechain and the developer has full control over the dapp features.

    Free Windows Linux Web Mac Self-Hosted JavaScript JSON Ethereum

  • Coinlib

    Coinlib is a cryptocurrency price tracking website with real-time price updates, portfolio, alerts, coin comparisons, a mobile-friendly site and lots of advanced tools and features.

    Free Web

  • bitqist

    Platform for cryptocurrency and portfolio tracking with real-time prices, live & historical line/candlestick price charts, portfolio synchronization and various other tools to analyze cryptocurrencies and manage your portfolio.

    Free Web

  • Apogee Crypto

    Real-time cryptocurrency price charts on Bitcoin, Ethereum and other blockchain assets. Set up watchlists, view market cap rankings and browse from our list of curated resources.

    Free Web

  • CoinMarketSum

    Complete cryptocurrency market coverage with real-time coin prices, charts and crypto market cap featuring over 1200 coins on more than 160 exchanges.

    Free Web

  • Swarm City

    Swarm City is a decentralized commerce platform. Swarm City enables people to communicate and transact in a completely decentralized way - without anyone in the middle.

    Free Open Source Web

  • Lamden

    Lamden is a robust ecosystem of development tools that turns blockchain concepts into enterprise-grade applications capable of seamless communication and value exchange with other blockchains.

    Free Open Source Windows Linux Web Mac Self-Hosted

  • MetaMask

    MetaMask is a bridge that allows you to visit the distributed web of tomorrow in your browser today. It allows you to run Ethereum dApps right in your browser without running a full Ethereum node.

    Free Open Source Web Chrome Ethereum Brave

  • Angoyo

    Freelance site specifically geared at finding talent in the Bitcoin, crypto and blockchain arena.

    Free Windows Web

  • Bitgur

    Cryptocurrency market price index, performance report, heat maps, charts, live stream prices and other trading data.

    Free Web

  • Stratumn

    Realize new solutions through the transparence of JSON documents-chains, cryptography, and peer-to-peer networks.

    Commercial Mac OS X Windows Linux JavaScript C++


    Problem: As the Ethereum DAP ecosystem expands downstream towards B2C oriented applications, a key bottleneck will emerge where companies looking to scale rapidly will need to acquire end users at a rate that is greater than the adoption...

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