ZAC Browser
Zac Browser is software that allows your child to access games (a lot of games) activities (based on diverse interests) along with videos (that allow a stimulating experience and encourages children to talk).
Pikluk: Safe Browser and Email for Kids! Pikluk is a safe way for your kids to use the Internet. Show only websites and emails that you allow on the Parent Dashboard.
pikluk: safe browser and email for kids!
pikluk is a safe way for your kids to use the internet. show only websites and emails that you allow on the parent dashboard.
pikluk is a safe email system: log into the parent dashboard and decide with whom your children can correspond. no one else can send them email, including spammers. they will only be able to comminicate with people you know.
pikluk is a safe browser: as a parent, you login from anywhere into the parent dashboard on pikluk.com to configure websites suitable for your children. the pikluk browser will only allow access to these websites.
pikluk is a service you control through the parent dashboard: log into the parent dashboard on pikluk.com from anywhere, even from work! the pikluk browser is configured by you remotely over the internet. monitor your kid's email.
Education and Reference Home and Family
Discontinued parental-control kids kid-browser