The Best 18 OpenSports Alternatives
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MonClubSportif is a simple, effective and user-friendly team management solution. Developed by and for sports fans, this team management software offers a ton of...
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Eventbrite gives you all the online tools you need to bring people together for an event and sell tickets.
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Free group website, membership database, listserv mailing list, payments and more - GroupSpaces is a market leader in online group management software, providing comprehensive, simple to use tools to help manage your group more quickly and...
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Attendize Event Ticketing
Attendize is a free & open-source ticket selling and event management platform.
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Events from Facebook
Events from Facebook helps you find entertaining things to do nearby, based on your interests. Features: Keep up on activities, including ones your friends have...
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Meeting Star
Lightweight, inexpensive alternative to Focused on the essential features for group organizers. No login or account required to RSVP. Unlimited...
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LeagueApps is a full service sports organizer platform. Allows you to enable and manage local and youth sports in your community. Makes life easier and more fun for sports organizers.
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The Groups Place
The Groups Place is a new alternative to Meetup. It has all the functionality to organize events, and has many features that have been disappearing from Meetup. The...
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Footy Finder
Post a pickup soccer game, and alert other registered users of the game in your neighbourhood.
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Since 1998, League LineUp has been the #1 leader in sports website building, sports team management, and online league management tools. You can build a website for your...