Promega Colony Counter
Is the tedium of squinting over agar plates counting bacterial colonies getting to you? Take the plates out of the lab! No, not literally. Snap a picture with your phone...
OpenCFU is a completely open source lightweight application designed to enumerate clustered circular objects such as bacterial colonies. It can handle digital pictures as well as live stream from a video device/webcam.
opencfu is a completely open source lightweight application designed to enumerate clustered circular objects such as bacterial colonies. it can handle digital pictures as well as live stream from a video device/webcam. opencfu is crossplatform, fast, reliable and allows the user to implement intuitive filters.
additional information is provided on the website: http://opencfu.sourceforge.net/
opencfu is published on plos one:http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3adoi%2f10.1371%2fjournal.pone.0054072
portable sciences biology bacterial-count information-analysis medical-science-apps microbiology molecular-science