The Best 23 Omnimemory Alternatives
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Brainscape is a web and mobile study platform that helps you learn things faster. Our mission is to break all knowledge into its fundamental building blocks and deliver it to you in the most efficient pattern for your brain.
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Learn any language. Build and grow your own vocabulary. Keep words, phrases and notes in one place.
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SoYouLearn is a online spaced repetition platform. Key features: - A central DB which user can use for creating courses - Courses references existing flash cards -...
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Kanji Book
Kanji Book is a spaced repetition tool to study and review up to 6000 kanji with the help of interactive mnemonics. Your knowledge will be tested using multiple choice...
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Flash Card software that uses controlled repetition, timed spacing, and mnemonic elements (like images and audio) to greatly speed up the memorization process and...
0 Like is a web application for creating word lists and learning languages through playing games.